Jones Feed Mills is experienced in servicing all aspects of the poultry industry. Whether your business involves broilers, breeders, layers, turkeys, ducks, specialty breeds or backyard birds, we have the products and expertise to serve you.
Jones Poultry Services Include:

- Complete ration formulation services using industry leading technology
- Least-costing available
- Ingredient sampling and evaluation
- Direct communication with Jones Nutrition Team
- Regular on-farm and electronic support
- Ration budgeting and forecasting
- Data collection, bench-marking and evaluation
- Mixer calibration, evaluation and auditing
- Facility evaluation including ventilation
- Backyard program design
- Bio-security policies ensured
- Quality Premixes, Supplements & Complete Feeds
- Conventional, Organic and Non-GMO feeds
A note from our Nutrition Department:
Tips for good hygiene in flocks:
- Change your boots or step on to a foot bath before going in and out of the litter
- Pathogens live in the manure and tracking in and out of the litter can spread disease
- If you have more than one barn, the risk of passing disease from one barn to another increases when footwear hygiene is not practised
- Dump foot bath contents in a safe spot
- Ensure your housing set up is well sealed from vermin and migrating birds
Remember, good hygiene practices reduces the likelihood of getting your (and your neighbours!) chickens sick!
Helpful resources for small flock and backyard producers:
Getting started with your flock of poultry can be a big learning curve but we can help make things a bit easier. All Jones Feed Mills locations now carry a helpful resource manual called "Raising Amazing Chicks- The First Seven Days". This book contains several helpful tips for everything from health to coop management and much more! Even large flocks and experienced poultry producers can learn some new tips and tricks from this handy manual.
Our Heidelberg and Wroxeter Stores also carry a variety of Poultry Supplies including drinkers, feeders and other items. For details on the products we carry check here:
Miscellaneous Poultry Products
Poultry Water Drinkers
Poultry Feeders
Photo by Pet Trim